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How Many First Class Passengers Died on the Titanic?

Written By Denis Cummings
Last updated: April 18, 2024

Are you curious about the tragic fate of the Titanic’s elite? My passion for history has always drawn me towards unraveling stories from the past, and today, I’m here to share with you a piece of history that still captures our imagination over a century later.

We often hear about the Titanic’s ill-fated voyage, but who exactly were those first-class passengers who lost their lives in one of history’s most infamous maritime disasters? Let’s explore together and uncover how many first class passengers died on the Titanic.

Key Points:
Out of approximately 324 passengers in first class, 123 died.
This represents 39% of the people who traveled on a first-class ticket.

List Of First Class Passengers Died on the Titanic

While some first-class passengers famously survived the Titanic disaster, thinking they had bought tickets to an unsinkable dream, many others did not. Here’s a look at those who perished in the icy waters of the North Atlantic.

List Of First Class Passengers Died on the Titanic

How Many First Class Kids Died on the Titanic

This tragedy impacted people of all ages, including many children. Let’s take a look at how many young lives were lost.

Full NameAgeBoarded
Miss Helen Loraine Allison2Southampton
Mr José Pedro Carraú-Esteves17Southampton
Mr Daniel Warner Marvin18Southampton

List of First Class Young Adults Who Died on the Titanic

Bright futures cut short. This list reveals the young adults in first class who perished on the Titanic.

Full NameAgeBoarded
Mr Hudson Joshua Creighton Allison30Southampton
Mrs Bessie Waldo Allison25Southampton
Mr Quigg Edmond Baxter24Cherbourg
Mr Jakob Birnbaum24Cherbourg
Mr Alexander Milne Cairns28Southampton
Mr Frans Olof Carlsson33Southampton
Mr Francisco Mauro Severiano Carrau27Southampton
Mr Walter Miller Clark27Cherbourg
Mr Thornton Davidson31Cherbourg
Mr Benjamin Laventall Foreman30Southampton
Mr Charles Alexander Fortune19Southampton
Mr Victor Gaitan Andrea Giglio23Cherbourg
Mr Edwin Herbert Keeping33Southampton
Mr Ervin G. Lewy30Cherbourg
Mr Milton Clyde Long29Southampton
Mr Joseph Holland Loring30Southampton
Mr John Edward Maguire30Southampton
Mr Edgar Joseph Meyer28Cherbourg
Mr William Henry Marsh Parr29Belfast
Mr Vivian Ponsonby Payne22Southampton
Mr Victor Peñasco Y Castellana24Cherbourg
Mr Thomas Clinton Pears29Southampton
Mr Sante Righini22Cherbourg
Mr Washington Augustus II Roebling31Southampton
Mr Lucian Philip Smith24Cherbourg
Mr Richard Frasar White21Southampton
Mr Harry Elkins Widener27Southampton

List of First Class Adults Who Died on the Titanic

Wealth couldn’t buy survival. This list details the first-class adults who tragically died on the Titanic.

Full NameAgeBoarded
Mr Thomas Andrews39Belfast
Colonel John Jacob Astor47Cherbourg
Mr John D. Baumann60Cherbourg
Mr Thomson Beattie36Southampton
Mr Stephen Weart Blackwell45Southampton
Mr John James Borebank42Southampton
Mr John Bertram Brady41Southampton
Mr Emil Franklin Brandeis48Cherbourg
Dr Arthur Jackson Brewe45Cherbourg
Major Archibald Willingham Butt46Southampton
Mr Howard Brown Case49Southampton
Mr Tyrell William Cavendish36Southampton
Mr Herbert Fuller Chaffee46Southampton
Mr Roderick Robert Crispin Chisholm43Belfast
Mr George Quincy Clifford40Southampton
Mr Edward Pomeroy Colley37Southampton
Mr Alexander Taylor Compton37Cherbourg
Mr John Bertram Crafton59Southampton
Mr John Bradley Cumings39Cherbourg
Mr Peter Dennis Daly51Southampton
Mr Walter Donald Douglas50Cherbourg
Mr William Crothers Dulles39Cherbourg
Miss Edith Corse Evans36Cherbourg
Mr John Farthing57Southampton
Mr Thomas Parnham Franklin37Southampton
Mr Richard Fry39Southampton
Mr Jacques Heath Futrelle37Southampton
Mr Arthur H. Gee47Southampton
Mr George Edward Graham38Southampton
Mr Benjamin Guggenheim46Cherbourg
Mr Charles Henry Harrington37Southampton
Mr Henry Birkhardt Harris45Southampton
Mr William Henry Harrison45Southampton
Mr Charles Melville Hays55Southampton
Mr Christopher Head42Southampton
Mr Herbert Henry Hilliard44Southampton
Mr William Edward Hipkins55Southampton
Mr Alexander Oskar Holverson42Southampton
Miss Ann Elizabeth Isham50Cherbourg
Mr Charles Cresson Jones46Southampton
Mr Henry Forbes Julian50Southampton
Mr Edward Austin Kent58Cherbourg
Mr Frederick Roland Kenyon41Southampton
Mr Herman Klaber41Southampton
Mr Erik Gustaf Lindeberg42Southampton
Mr Thomas Francis McCaffry46Southampton
Mr Timothy J. McCarthy54Southampton
Dr William Edward Minahan44Queenstown
Mr Harry Markland Molson55Southampton
Mr Clarence Bloomfield Moore47Southampton
Mr Charles Natsch36Cherbourg
Mr Arthur Webster Newell58Cherbourg
Mr Arthur Ernest Nicholson59Southampton
Mr Servando José Florentino Oviés Y Rodríguez36Cherbourg
Mr Austin Partner40Southampton
Mr Walter Chamberlain Porter46Southampton
Mr Jonkheer Johan George Reuchlin38Cherbourg
Mr Victor Robins42Cherbourg
Mr Hugh Roscoe Rood39Southampton
Mr George Rosenshine46Cherbourg
Mr John Hugo Ross36Southampton
Mr Martin Rothschild46Cherbourg
Mr Alfred G. Rowe59Southampton
Mr William Baird Silvey51Cherbourg
Mr John Montgomery Smart56Southampton
Mr Richard William Smith57Southampton
Mr James Clinch Smith56Cherbourg
Mr William Augustus Spencer57Cherbourg
Mr Emil Taussig52Southampton
Mr John Borland Thayer49Cherbourg
Don. Manuel Ramirez Uruchurtu39Cherbourg
Mr William Anderson Walker48Southampton
Colonel John Weir59Southampton
Mr Percival Wayland White54Southampton
Colonel George Dennick Wick57Southampton
Mr George Dunton Widener50Southampton
Mr Charles Duane Williams51Cherbourg
Mr Fletcher Fellowes Lambert Williams43Southampton

List of first class older adults who died on the Titanic

This list remembers the older adults in first class who perished on the Titanic.

Full NameAgeBoarded
Mr Ramon Artagaveytia71Cherbourg
Captain Edward Gifford Crosby70Southampton
Mr Mark Fortune64Southampton
Mr George B. Goldschmidt71Cherbourg
Mr Francis Davis Millet65Cherbourg
Mr Engelhart Cornelius Ostby64Southampton
Mr Arthur Larned Ryerson61Cherbourg
Mr William Thomas Stead62Southampton
Mr Albert Ankeny Stewart64Cherbourg
Mr Isidor Straus67Southampton
Mrs Rosalie Ida Straus63Southampton
Mr Frederick Sutton61Southampton
Mr Wyckoff Van Der Hoef61Belfast
Mr Frank Manley Warren63Cherbourg
Mr George Wright62Southampton

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What famous person died on the Titanic?

John Jacob Astor IV, one of the richest men in the world at the time, died on the Titanic. He was a well-known businessman, real estate builder, inventor, and writer.

What famous family died on the Titanic?

The Straus family experienced tragedy on the Titanic. Isidor Straus, co-owner of Macy’s Department Store, and his wife Ida were both on board. Ida famously refused a lifeboat spot to stay with her husband; both did not survive.

Charles Eames

Denis Cummings is a history enthusiast and author, with a passion for uncovering the stories of the past. Through his writing, he seeks to share his love of history with others and provide a unique perspective on the events that have shaped our world.

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