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21 Mysterious Artifacts Recovered From Titanic [Never Seen Before]

Written By Haley A. Lovett
Last updated: August 30, 2023

Are you curious about the artifacts recovered from Titanic and its fascinating history? Discover a ship frozen in time, claimed by the sea on April 15, 1912. Our blog post will dive into 21 notable artifacts salvaged from this oceanic tomb to offer you a closer look at life aboard the legendary liner.

Prepare for a journey back through time, one artifact at a time!

10 Historic Titanic Artifacts

A diverse range of fascinating artifacts have been meticulously retrieved from the wreckage of Titanic, giving us a glimpse into life onboard during its doomed maiden voyage. Among these items are perfumed oils belonging to perfume maker Adolphe Saalfeld, gloves reflecting the grandeur and elegance synonymous with the journey, and even the menu, which details what passengers enjoyed as their last meal.

Another artifact found at the site is the hauntingly beautiful sheet music played by brave musicians trying to keep spirits up as the ship sank. Other personal items include a fur coat worn by surviving stewardess Mabel Bennett in chilling waters and an evocatively engraved bronze cherub culled from atop Titanic's majestic grand staircase.

1. Perfume oils

Among the precious items retrieved from the Titanic wreckage are perfume oils that testify silently to a bygone era of luxury and glamour. These integral components of vanity were part of German-born chemist Adolphe Saalfeld's collection, who boarded the ill-fated ship with a satchel brimming with perfume samples.

The various dime-sized vials miraculously survived the sinking, their fragrant contents preserved against all odds in the cold Atlantic depths. Today, these recovered relics provide unique insights into early 20th-century perfumery and stand as an aromatic echo of Titanic's grandeur before its tragic end.

2. A pair of gloves

A pair of white cotton gloves is among the historic Titanic artifacts discovered in the wreckage. Considered some of the rarest items retrieved from RMS Titanic, these gloves add a personal touch to the memorabilia that signifies daily life on board.

Their human-sized familiarity brings us closer to understanding a significant chapter in marine history.

Treasure hunting was never easy - salvaging from ocean depths even more so, but RMS Titanic, Inc., rose to this challenge remarkably well. The spectacular collection of over 5,000 recovered materials paints vivid pictures of luxury and everyday life aboard this majestic ship before its tragic collapse into icy waters – all emphasized by this simple yet potent symbol encapsulated by a pair of delicate cotton gloves.

3. Menu of the ship's last meal

The menu of the ship's last meal from Titanic paints a vivid picture of dining extravagance at sea. Auctioned for an astonishing $83,000 in 2012, it reveals the luxurious treatment of first-class passengers aboard this doomed ship.

The artifact offers tantalizing descriptions of culinary dishes served on that fateful night. Through this precious relic, we are given a glimpse into another era and the lifestyle enjoyed by those who could afford such exquisite indulgence moments before an unexpected disaster changed everything.

4. Sheet music played by the musicians

Musicians aboard the Titanic performed tirelessly until the ship's final moments, creating an atmosphere of calm amid disaster. Among these musicians, their sheet music became a beacon of resolve and humanity in facing the imminent catastrophe.

The song "Put Your Arms Around Me, Honey," found among the recovered artifacts from RMS Titanic's wreckage, provides valuable insight into their last performances. This tangible relic illuminates their dedication to craft and underscores their role as pillars of solace during tragic circumstances.

As such, it presents a powerful link to those poignant acts of courage amidst the chaos on that fateful voyage in April 1912.

5. Fur coat worn by a surviving stewardess

Extracted from the depths of the Titanic wreckage, a fur coat worn by Mabel Bennett has drawn immense attention. Mabel, a first-class stewardess, draped herself in this warmth-giving garment amidst the disastrous iceberg collision.

Crafted with beaver fur and designed as floor-length attire, it served as her protection against bone-chilling seawater. At auction, this precious relic from RMS Titanic fetched an impressive $165,000.

Today, it invites the public to cherish its historical value and recognize the bravery displayed by such crew members during the catastrophic event. The coat is more than an artifact; it's poignant proof of human endurance at times of crisis - a testament to the awe-inspiring real story behind the RMS Titanic disaster.

6. Bronze cherub from the grand staircase's upper landing

Retrieved from the wreckage of the Titanic, a bronze cherub once added a touch of grandeur to the ship's majestic staircase. Despite losing its left foot during the destructive forces presented by both iceberg collisions and years beneath the sea, this historic artifact effectively portrays an era of luxury and artful design aboard Titanic.

Crafted with exquisite artistry, the bronze cherub held a torch aloft, serving as a decorative feature and a functional light fixture. It was cast in an elegant, ethereal pose, its face expressing eternal youth and joy.

For passengers aboard the Titanic, this cherub would have been one of the first extravagant details to catch the eye, an early indicator of the luxury awaited them on their voyage.

7. Keys used to access lifeboat lanterns

During the Titanic's tragic sinking, crew members relied heavily on lifeboat lanterns for visibility in the dark, cold ocean. These vital safety devices had to be unlocked with a specific key before functioning.

Among the significant artifacts recovered from the historic shipwreck are these keys that were once essential for survival during those problematic moments aboard lifeboats.

Each key is a poignant reminder of the immense responsibility the crew members shouldered during their valiant attempt to steer as many passengers as possible toward safety under incredibly challenging and fearful circumstances.

Similarly, they reflect how critical practical items like illumination equipment can become fundamental keys to survival in disaster scenarios.

8. Bracelet engraved with the name of a third-class passenger

Among the most intriguing relics of the Titanic is a 15-karat rose gold and silver bracelet adorned with diamonds. Salvagers discovered it graced with the engraved name "Amy," suggesting its owner was Amy Stanley, a third-class passenger on the ship.

This bracelet would have been a personal belonging, maybe a gift from a loved one or something the person saved up to buy. Seeing a name engraved on it makes the story of the Titanic more real and personal.

9. A whistle belonging to an officer

This artifact has immense historical value as it serves as a macabre echo from those desperate moments when lifeboats were being filled and launched into the icy sea.

An RMS Titanic hero, Officer Harold Lowe, used his whistle to command and control panicked passengers during the ship's sinking. Today, this recovered Titanic treasure underscores its practical functionality and acts symbolically - a grim tocsin sounded on that fateful night in April 1912 amidst chaos and confusion.

Even after more than a century underwater, this artifact still commands respect for its part in one of history's most infamous maritime disasters.

10. "World's most valuable biscuit"

The title of "World's most valuable biscuit" belongs to a cracker with an unexpected history. It was part of a survival kit aboard the Titanic. James Fenwick, a passenger, held onto this seemingly insignificant item as a memento of the tragic event.

This humble biscuit gained significant importance over time and made headlines when it was sold at auction for a whopping £15,000 or approximately $23,000! The high price speaks volumes about its historical value and how it serves as tangible evidence of one of the world's most famous maritime disasters.

Additional items of Historical Interest

Explore an array of remarkable relics such as Dr. Simpson's Letter, Titanic's original Launching Day Tickets, and a preserved Deck Chair that each tell their story about the ill-fated voyage.

Dive in to learn more about these fascinating historical artifacts!

Dr. Simpson Letter

Dr. John Simpson, a high-ranking official aboard the Titanic, penned an impactful letter to his mother before the ship's departure. His message expressed enthusiasm for their upcoming voyage and spoke fondly of life at sea.

Tragically, Dr. Simpson did not survive the catastrophe that would soon unfold on this infamous journey. This meaningful document was retrieved during one of RMS Titanic Inc.'s seven recovery expeditions from the wreckage site, offering insight into Dr.

Simpson's mindset before the disastrous events took place.

Last Luncheon Menu

The last luncheon menu from the Titanic's unforgettable voyage is an artifact of historic importance. Taking center stage at Titanic Belfast offers a unique peek into the sumptuous meals enjoyed by first-class passengers amidst their ill-fated journey.

This noteworthy piece of history serves as testimony to the ship's extravagant dining culture prior to its tragic iceberg collision. This menu stands stout, narrating hospitality stories varnished in luxury and indulgence aboard the legendary ship.

Esther & Eva Hart Letter

Esther Hart and her seven-year-old daughter Eva became notable figures after their harrowing experience on the RMS Titanic. Among precious artifacts saved from the tragedy is a significant letter penned by Esther Hart, written just hours before the iceberg collision took place.

The poignant message was crafted as correspondence to Esther's mother but never could be sent out. Weighing heavily with profound sentimental value, this last tangible connection to life aboard the doomed ship captured immense attention during an auction event.

The unsent letter fetched a staggering £119,000 world record sum for its astounding historical relevance and emotion-laden narrative.

Today, history enthusiasts can view this powerful artifact at Titanic Belfast. Here it stands as an enduring testament to that fateful night when some survived against all odds while many tragically couldn't escape destiny's harsh, cold grasp.

Titanic Deck Chair

The Titanic deck chair stands as a poignant symbol of the doomed ship's grandeur and downfall. Constructed from fine teakwood with an elegant design, this artifact was destined for relaxation on the sun-soaked decks of the "Unsinkable Ship".

It survived against improbable odds to be one of only six remaining. Meticulously restored and preserved, it now serves as a haunting memento of one of history's most famous maritime disasters.

Lord Pirrie's Watch

The watch of Lord Pirrie, a prominent figure in the Titanic's history, is among the valuable artifacts retrieved from the wreckage. A full hallmark dating back to 1890 adorns this precious artifact and bears the engraving 'W.J.A.

Launch Day Tickets

Ticket stubs from Titanic's launch day reveal intriguing stories of the ship's unsinkable reputation. Two such items include the rare VIP pass that belonged to Captain Alexander Matier and another belonging to Charlotte Brennan, an employee of Harland and Wolff, the company responsible for building Titanic.

Fans can examine these artifacts at Titanic Belfast, representing a poignant reminder of the excitement surrounding that fateful April day in 1912. The reverse side of Brennan’s ticket holds further fascination with its shorthand manuscript notes detailing accounts of the tragic disaster.

Original Glass Plate Photographs of Titanic’s Launch

Original glass plate photographs give us an undeniably rare and precious look at Titanic's launch. These photos were preserved over a century, capturing the grandeur of the mammoth ship on her maiden voyage.

RMS Titanic, also known as 'The Ship of Dreams', was celebrated in all its glory before embarking on one of history's most notorious voyages.

Although digital technology offers clarity and preservation, there is something truly captivating about these early-20th-century images. Their sepia tones and grainy details transport viewers back to that fateful time when optimism turned into despair.

This trove of original glass plate images presents a spectacular vision and a vivid picture unmatched by modern reproductions.

Binocular Box Key

The binocular box key, one of the over 5,000 artifacts discovered from the Titanic wreckage, provides a poignant glimpse into Titanic's final days. This artifact was preserved in the ocean bed for decades before its recovery by RMS Titanic Inc., adding an invaluable piece to its collection of historic items.

The existence and preservation of this key highlight not just daily life on board but also contribute significantly toward our understanding of the tragic disaster that befell this majestic ship.

The Monetary Value of Recovered Titanic Artifacts

Over the years, countless Titanic artifacts have plunged into auction houses. Buyers worldwide remain eager to own pieces of this historic ship's legacy. Artifacts vary in value dramatically due to rarity and historical significance.

Some items fetch huge sums; a menu from the last lunch on board before sinking sold for about $88,000, whereas an unused ticket brought in around $56,250 at another sale.

Interestingly, certain coveted items carry mind-boggling price tags that reflect their significant importance tied to the doomed ship’s narrative. A fine example includes a violin owned by Wallace Hartley—the bandmaster who played as the ship sank—which astonishingly hit almost $1.7 million at auction! More awe-inspiring is that experts estimate that the jewels recovered fetch up an astounding cumulative value of around $200 million.

Contrarily, though, not everything costs an entire fortune: keys used for lifeboat lantern access went under the hammer for less than expected—at roughly $11,000—and quirky finds such as crackers from survival kits surprised everyone when one was bought for well beyond its initial estimated worth at approximately $23K! Even as we speak today, RMS Titanic Inc. already has plans to retrieve more underwater treasures like radio equipment, amongst other invaluable relics harbored within wreckage depths.

Creepy Artifacts Recovered From Titanic

This section delves into some chilling findings recovered from the Titanic wreckage. A collection of letters written on Titanic stationery gives us goosebumps as they convey those onboard's last words and emotions.

The violin owned by bandleader Wallace Hartley, still intact with accompanying letters, echoes silent tunes that were once played in an attempt to maintain calm amid chaos. An array of time-stopped pocket watches serves as a grim reminder of time freezing for many at that fateful hour.

These artifacts narrate tragic tales and give us insight into the lives led aboard before meeting their terrifying destiny beneath icy waves.

Letters written on Titanic stationery

Passenger Oskar Holverson penned a heartfelt letter to his mother on Titanic stationery, just one day before the ship dramatically sank. Holtverson's tender recollections of life aboard were immortalized in ink, providing unique insight into the doomed voyager’s experiences.

In another instance, Esther Hart and her young daughter Eva wrote a similar detailed document on the tragic day of sinking. Auctioned off for staggering amounts - $166k and roughly $200k respectively – their letters provide precious glimpses into history's most infamous maritime disaster.

Wallace Hartley Violin and Letters

Wallace Hartley, the band leader of Titanic's orchestra, bravely played music as the ship sunk in an attempt to calm panic-stricken passengers. His prized possession was his violin, which he reportedly strapped to his body during those chaotic moments.

This instrument stands today as a poignant artifact from that fateful night and was sold for a staggering £900,000 ($1.4 million) in 2013. Along with this magnificent musical memorabilia, several letters tied to the ill-fated voyage also surfaced over time, bringing more personal stories associated with the tragic event into light.

Time-Stopped Pocket Watches

Titanic's sinking becomes even more compelling with the discovery of time-stopped pocket watches from the wreckage. These artifacts, halted at approximately 1:45 a.m., are eerily accurate representations of when the ship finally succumbed to its fate.

The watches belonged to numerous passengers and crew members on board that tragic night - whose stories have since become intertwined with this poignant symbol frozen in time.

Over time, natural elements and corrosion have started to deteriorate many such fascinating items found at sea bottom, adding an urgency to restoration efforts. Yet, as they continue their silent tick-tock beneath the waves, these watches serve as memorials and historical vessels, recording a heartrending chapter in maritime history.

With each artifact retrieved from Titanic's deep-sea grave comes increased controversy surrounding ownership rights and ethical considerations for objects associated with such devastating human loss.


Unearthed from the ocean's depths, these significant pieces tell us gripping tales of Titanic's ill-fated voyage. Every artifact has a spectacular story attached to it that allows history enthusiasts around the globe to connect with this timeless tragedy.

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