Irish singer-songwriter, guitarist, producer
American author, poet, actress, director
Australian actor, director
French conductor
Canadian ice hockey player
American minster, activist, Nobel Prize laureate
American journalist, critic, screenwriter
German engineer, businessman, founded Mercedes-Benz
Soviet aircraft designer, founded the Antonov Aircraft Company
Pakistani politician, 4th President of Pakistan
Queen Elizabeth I of England knights Francis Drake aboard his ship, the Golden Hind, for his successful circumnavigation of the globe and his contributions to the defeat of the Spanish Armada.
The English navy, led by Admiral Robert Blake, defeats the Barbary pirates in the Battle of Postage Farina off the coast of Tunisia. The victory helps secure English trade routes in the Mediterranean.
The United States Congress holds its first regular session in Federal Hall in New York City. The session was presided over by George Washington, who was the first President of the United States.
Twelve nations, including the United States, Canada, and several European countries, sign the North Atlantic Treaty, establishing NATO as a military alliance to defend against potential Soviet aggression during the Cold War.
Martin Luther King Jr., a prominent leader in the American civil rights movement, is assassinated by James Earl Ray. King's death sparks protests and riots across the United States.
The World Trade Center complex, consisting of two towers, is officially opened in New York City. The towers become an iconic symbol of the city's skyline until they are tragically destroyed in the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001.
Bill Gates and Paul Allen establish Microsoft, a software company that goes on to become one of the largest and most influential technology companies in the world.
Denton Cooley successfully implants an artificial heart in patient Haskell Karp, keeping him alive for 65 hours until a human heart transplant can